Author Archives: Shahed C

Microsoft’s Best App a Month Contest for May 2014

By Shahed C on May 7, 2014

BAM! continues this month with Microsoft’s Best App a Month Contest for May 2014, open to residents of the DC Metro area. Simply publish your Windows 8 app this month, and submit your entry by May 31, 2014. Make sure you select Windows 8 as the platform, to be considered for this contest.

Contest Entry Form:

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Microsoft’s Best App a Month Contest for April 2014

By Shahed C on April 12, 2014

BAM! I’d like to introduce Microsoft’s Best App a Month Contest for April 2014, open to residents of the DC Metro area. Simply publish your Windows 8 app this month, and submit your entry by April 30, 2014. Make sure you select Windows 8 as the platform, to be considered for this contest.

Contest Entry Form:

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Presenting Indie Game Development for Windows, Web, Xbox and Mobile @ VA Tech

By Shahed C on April 8, 2014

I will be presenting Indie Game Development at NRV .NET Users Group on April 10 2014, at Excella Consulting’s Blacksburg VA office @ VA Tech.


NRV.NET (New River Valley) Users Group


Shahed Chowdhuri: Former Future Microsoft MVP

By Shahed C on April 1, 2014

A couple of weeks ago, I announced that I had just joined Microsoft as a Technical Evangelist, on the East Coast. But in addition to that, I was recently nominated for a Microsoft MVP Award for my involvement in the indie game development community, by the folks at Redmond.

I actually won the Award I was nominated for, and would have normally collected it after the formal announcement on April 1, 2014.

But if you’re familiar with Microsoft’s MVP Award, this Award is only given out to non-Microsoft employees for excellence in working with the Microsoft development community. It is very common for current/former MVPs to get hired by Microsoft in various positions, especially Technical Evangelist positions.

But, I had the fairly rare combination of getting my job offer around the same time as getting my MVP win. So, I guess this makes me a “former future Microsoft MVP”. 😎

On that note, here is a list of new MVP Award winners for ID@Xbox, as of April 1, 2014.

Congratulations to all the new winners!