Author Archives: Shahed C

Presenting EF Migrations at Hampton Roads .NET Users Group

By Shahed C on December 27, 2013


  • the presentation material and sample files are available on the Downloads page.

Original Post:

Continuing my talks on Entity Framework Code First MigrationsI will be presenting at Hampton Roads .NET Users Group (HRNUG) on January 14, 2014 :


Hampton Roads .NET Users Group (HRNUG)


Kinect v2 Development: From Weather Report to Minority Report

By Shahed C on December 4, 2013

Ever since The Minority Report was released in 2002, gesture-based computer control has been compared to the NUI features shown in the movie. Sure, the Nintendo Wii came out in 2006 with built-in motion control, but it still required the user to hold a controller in their hand.

Minority Report, from Dreamworks Pictures

Fast-forward to 2010, the original Kinect was introduced as an Xbox 360 accessory. This brought gestures and voice control to a home console like never before. In 2012, Microsoft released Kinect for Windows, which allowed any hobbyist developer to build an app or game for Windows using a slightly-modified version of the Kinect.

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Making Games with Unity for Xbox One and Other Platforms

By Shahed C on November 18, 2013

On the Facebook group for Xbox One Indie Devs, members have been sharing links to Unity resources for beginners and advanced users, and everyone in between.

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Books and resources for making games with C++ and DirectX 11 for Windows (and Xbox One!)

By Shahed C on November 1, 2013

NOTE: As of July 29, 2014, this blog post is no longer being maintained. Instead, you should go to the following top-level page which will be maintained periodically: 

New Page:


If you’ve read my last post about Xbox One indie game development, you can guess that I’ve returned from ID@Seattle by now. I’m under NDA, so I cannot reveal any confidential information that was presented at the event.

However, as I’ve mentioned in the aforementioned blog post, developers have been encouraged to build games for Windows 8 using C++ and DirectX. So, where should one start?

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Presenting EF Migrations at BaltoMSDN

By Shahed C on October 19, 2013


  • the presentation material and sample files are available on the Downloads page.

Original Post:

Continuing my talks on Entity Framework Code First MigrationsI will be presenting at BaltoMSDN this week :

Oct23 baltoMSDN Logo

Baltimore Area Microsoft Developer User Group (BaltoMSDN)