Category Archives: Xbox

Presenting Game Development with Unity @ NoVA C# Mobile Devs

By Shahed C on June 11, 2014

I will be presenting Game Development with Unity at the Northern Virginia C# Mobile Developers meetup group @ Knowlogy’s VA office on June 11 2014.


Northern Virginia Mobile C# Developers’ Group meetup


Presenting Indie Game Development for Windows, Web, Xbox and Mobile @ Microsoft Reston

By Shahed C on May 8, 2014

I will be presenting Indie Game Development at the DC-MD-VA Windows App/Game Developers meetup group @ Microsoft’s Reston VA office on May 15 2014.


DC-MD-VA Windows App/Game Developers meetup


Presenting Indie Game Development for Windows, Web, Xbox and Mobile @ VA Tech

By Shahed C on April 8, 2014

I will be presenting Indie Game Development at NRV .NET Users Group on April 10 2014, at Excella Consulting’s Blacksburg VA office @ VA Tech.


NRV.NET (New River Valley) Users Group


2D Math Panic – YouTube Video Review

By Shahed C on March 29, 2014

Before Angry Zombie Ninja Cats on Xbox 360, I published 2D Math Panic in Fall 2011. After reading an XNA book, I built the simple math game in 1 evening after work, followed by additional tweaks during playtest and review. It also helped me assemble the XNA Basic Starter Kit and create the XBLIG Sales Data Analyzer in 2012.

Download Download here:

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Angry Zombie Ninja Cats – YouTube Video Review

By Shahed C on March 24, 2014

Back in 2011, I published a platformer game on Xbox 360’s Indie Games channel. Angry Zombie Ninja Cats was built on top of the Platformer Starter Kit, and was put together over the course of 2 weeks. It also helped me assemble the XNA Basic Starter Kit and create the XBLIG Sales Data Analyzer in 2012.

Download Download here:

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