Tag Archives: web.config

Entity Framework Code First Migrations

By Shahed C on April 21, 2013


  • the sample files are available on the Downloads page.
  • this speaking engagement has been added to a new Speaking page

Original Post:

I recently spoke at NoVA Code Camp (at Microsoft’s Reston VA office) about Entity Framework Code First Migrations. This talk was about the Data Layer of an enterprise web application, part of a larger presentation about Lean Enterprise Architecture. It was followed by presentations on the Domain Layer and Presentation Layer, given by my colleagues Sahil Talwar and Doguhan Uluca.

So what the heck is (are?) Code First Migrations? Read on to find out!

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“All Your Database Are Belong To Us!”

By Shahed C on February 16, 2013

My first technical post in this blog involves a solution that my team and I implemented at work recently. The project is a .NET Web project in Visual Studio 2012.

The Problem:

Each developer on the team has a personal copy of the database for a web application. How will you store each connection string for each developer, without revealing your login information to others?

A Path to a Solution:

(A) Each developer could place their connection string in the Web.config file, without checking in their file. This is not a good choice, because they will eventually need to make other changes to the Web.config file and would have to remember to revert the connection string before each check-in. If they accidentally check in the file with their connection string, they would be sharing it with everyone.

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