Category Archives: Learn

GX Brazil 2015

By Shahed C on March 18, 2015

Presentation material for GX Brazil 2015



Ninja Cat Flyer – Unity 2D Tutorial

By Shahed C on March 10, 2015

New to Unity 4.x? Learn how to how build your first 2D game in Unity, using my Ninja Cat Flyer tutorial. The presentation is derived from Kirill Muzykov’s Rocket Mouse Tutorial:

My tutorial is split up into 6 PowerPoint PPTX files. I also added my own Ninja Cat graphics, that you can use for this sample game.

 Part 1 of 6: Download PPTX or view slideshow below

 Download project files for Part 1

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Azure Mobile Services (+ Universal Apps)

By Shahed C on January 21, 2015

On Jan 21, 2015, I delivered a presentation at BaltoMSDN titled “Azure Mobile Services (+ Universal Apps)”. It’s a slightly-revised update of a presentation I delivered recently at DC ALT.NET. I started with an intro to Universal Apps for the Windows family of platforms, and then walked through a live example of Azure Mobile Services to tie in multiple apps across devices .

You can download the presentation material and try out the steps yourself:


Next Steps:


Enjoy! 🙂

Capturing Your Audience with Kinect

By Shahed C on December 12, 2014

On December 12, 2014, I presented “Capturing Your Audience with Kinect” at MoDev Con 2014.

You can find the presentation material below:


The session was recorded, and the video clip should be available soon!

Cloudy with a Dash of Universal Apps

By Shahed C on December 9, 2014

In early December 2014, I delivered a presentation at DC ALT.NET titled “Cloudy with a Dash of Universal Apps”. I started with an intro to Universal Apps for the Windows family of platforms, and then walked through a live example of Azure Mobile Services to tie in multiple apps across devices .

You can download the presentation material and try out the steps yourself:


Next Steps:


Enjoy! 🙂