Tag Archives: cloud

Azure: PaaS vs IaaS @ IT Pro Camp 2016

By Shahed C on October 14, 2016

I presented Azure: PaaS vs IaaS at IT Pro Camp 2016. Here is the presentation material with the slides, links and my contact information. The live talk was similar to my past Azure talks for developers, but presented in different context with IT Pros in mind.

Microsoft Azure Resources

Download PPTX or view slideshow below

SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/shahedC3000/azure-paas-or-iaas

Learn more about Azure, Microsoft’s enterprise cloud platform and how you can use PaaS or IaaS features to bring your organization to the cloud!



Azure @ Angelbeat

By Shahed C on July 27, 2016

Here is the material for “Capture the Cloud with Azure”, an Azure 101 presentation delivered at Angelbeat on July 27, 2016.

Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/shahedC3000/capture-the-cloud-with-azure-64421908

Download PPTX: https://wakeupandcode.com/public_downloads/Azure-Angelbeat.pptx

Azure portal links:

Azure App Service (Web, Mobile, Logic, API):

Data, Storage, Analytics

Media Services, Internet of Things



Web Application Security

By Shahed C on March 7, 2016

Are you a student who loves tech? Apply for the Microsoft Student Partner program, here:

If you attended my presentation on Web Application Security, you may view/download the video and slides below.

NOTE: Is the audio too low? Please turn up the volume and/or use headphones for now, and I’ll re-upload the video with louder audio ASAP.

Video: https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/WebDevWithShahed/Web-App-Security


Download PPTXhttps://wakeupandcode.com/public_downloads/WebAppSecurity.pptx